What would you do?


Would you take the opportunity to move to an area you love? This is the second time this opportunity has come to us in just over a year. This is a super remote rural area. We would lose half of our income, but the quality of life would skyrocket. There would be opportunity to pursue other adventures as far as income goes.

The place we are at now we like, but it is super expensive. The growth in our area makes it difficult to enjoy the home we are at. Where we are at now rent is more than twice what we would pay in the area we love.

Other things to consider

We love our church family

Neither home is a home we could buy

Family would be 3 hours away, but we have some pretty incredible friends who would be in the same area.

We are currently pregnant and my OB would be 3 hours away. Also the hospital I would birth at would be 3 hours away.

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