Words from a new mom

mommamia • • B O Y - M O M M Y•

9 weeks ago I was in this group. A lot of the people I was in here with have already had their babies but I just wanted to leave some helpful words to y’all

Don’t expect your birth plan to go as planned. Maybe it might, but more than likely it won’t. My son was taken 3 weeks early by c section. I wanted a natural birth. My whole family had hyped me up for it. I was so excited. Well my son was breeched and had SUA plus I had really high BP.

The healing after birth (whether regular birth or c section) is really really really hard. With a c section I could barely walk (and yes I walked at the hospital) I couldn’t sleep in a bed for a couple weeks. At about 3-4 weeks I was in minimal pain.

Your first postpartum period sucks. Imagine your PP bleeding and double it. My PP was a breeze compared to my first period. The cramps were awful too (pamprin was a life saver)

If you’re bottle feeding fill up a few and have them ready to put formula in. It makes it easier and quicker to feed baby.

People don’t formula shame as much as you think. Most moms are on board with either way as long as your feeding (such a blessing)

If you’re planning on co sleeping either get a co sleeper or put your baby on your side of the bed until they’re bigger to minimize the risks.

If you’re not co sleeping, if they hate their bassinet try the pack n play in your bedroom. My son did a lot better in his pack b play than his bassinet.

Swaddled are a life saver. My son still uses it.

Bottle sterilizers are really pointless. A dishwasher or boiling them work the same for free (I hand wash mine because it’s quicker)

Don’t DO NOT buy only one type of bottle. Your baby may not latch. Same with passys.

Bring “going home outfits” in 2 different sizes. We got our sons in a newborn size and he needed premmie. (The ultrasounds showed him to be bigger than he was)

I’ll answer any questions y’all might have! I’m home with a sleeping baby ❤️