One year since my MC...

For my birthday this year my husband told me he was ready to start TTC- which is something that seemed would never happen and something I’ve been praying for! We’ve only been married for 2 years. Well, it just clicked that our first month officially TTC was one year from my MC last August 2018.

When I got pregnant in 2018 we weren’t trying or “ready”, I was just uneducated and trying to start “natural family planning”......🤦🏻‍♀️ lol But, just because it wasn’t “planned” doesn’t mean it was any less difficult. It’s an experience I would never wish on anyone and pray I will never have to go through again. Not to mention my sister-in- law (unknowingly) announced her pregnancy (which we were thrilled about btw!) the same week I miscarried..Talk about -gut wrenching, stab in the heart- stuff. I held back tears, smiled through the night and acted excited for them as I would on such an occasion.

That was a year ago. While we didn’t feel ready then, I know we would have worked everything out. But, I also have peace knowing that when the time is right, we will get our little blessing from God. Things have been falling into place for this new season of life and I’m excited to see what a year from now holds for us!

Here’s to beginning our TTC journey!! Baby dust to all of you! You aren’t alone, we are doing this together!! ♥️🙌🏻🙏🏻♥️