“He’s a boy”


I’d like to hear some personal opinions/views (judgement free) over toughening up your son to “be a man” as a boy. I’ve been told to not make it a big deal when he gets hurt since “he’s a boy, he’s gotta learn” but I’ve also been told that “little boys need love too just like little girls” what do you other mommas out there believe?

My SIL was over today and got in a argument with my CIL over letting her 3 year old son get on a skateboard and ride it by himself, CIL believed she shouldn’t let him ride it because he could fall & really hurt himself her remark back was “he’s a boy, he’ll be fine” like boys have some sort of superpower... I’m definitely not the type to let my son take risks like that boy or girl pain is pain 🤷🏻‍♀️