How do I tell him politely?

I love my husband dearly but his hygiene is not always the best and I helped him work on it when we first got together and things were great (he was doing drugs and stuff and just not taking care of himself) he used to smoke weed and wax ALOT like abusing it a lot he constantly needed to be high. He quit for a while which was great he had more energy and was happier he always wanted to do stuff and his breath smelled better. Then he started smoking again he constantly had to be high, will leave me whirl we’re together to go out to his car and smoke. His breath reeks. Like it’s bad. He brushes and uses mouthwash and it still stinks badly...I’m also very pregnant...I haven’t told him about his breath because I love him and I don’t want to hurt his feelings. But I also don’t want to be intimidate because it’s gross. He yawns constantly and it grosses me out because that smell. Am I a monster? I feel really guilty that I even think his breath stinks. Should I just suck it up because I’m a jerk. Should I discreetly buy different toothpaste? I really feel it’s either not good oral hygiene or the constant pot things I know dry mouth can make your breath stink.,, help.