
So last evening my husband came to bed at 12:30.. He set his alarm for 9:45 for his chiropractor appointment. I asked if he wouldn't mind getting up 10 minutes earlier so I could grab a super quick shower and wash my hair. His response... "Well you can come wake me up earlier but I need my sleep"

Excuse me 😳

I breastfeed our son so I'm up every 2 hours at night. I do all diaper changes, feedings, ect. during the night. He NEVER wakes up.

Hes on night shift this week and has to go in today at 6 pm BUT he came to bed at 12:30 last night!! He plans on going to his appointment and coming back home and sleeping..

I on the other hand have to clean the house, do laundry, take care of the pups, obviously take care of little man oh AND go over to the on laws to help with the family business.. So yeah slightly overwhelmed and feel like asking for a quick shower isn't something I should feel bad about. 😞

Picture because this one always makes me smile💕