Feeling lost

Sorry, this is going to be a long one..

Me and my fiance have been together 9 years. We have a 2 year old, and trying for baby number 2. I went back to work when my son was 11 months. My fiance didn't like me working (and being 100% real here, it's because with both working we both share household responsibilities and in his eyes I should be home, taking care of our son and doing housework). While I was working we got in lots of fights because the housework wasn't always done, and he didn't help. I had to get our son up, both of us fed and ready, out the door at 630. Bus to the babysitters to drop him off, bus to work, pick him up and take him home. And then cook dinner and clean. Spent my weekends doing laundry and deep cleans. I did enjoy working. Part of me wanted to be a sahm, the other part wanted to work. And of course my fiance prefer I stay home. So we moved towns for cheaper rent, he got a new job that pays more then his last, so I quit my job and stay home. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE staying home with my son, but I feel like I go stir crazy. I don't know anyone around here, and it's a small town where most places are too far walk and I don't drive. I do the housework, and take care of our son since my fiance works. However, this week he took a vacation (a week in between jobs since he starts his new one next week) and he has done nothing. He will literally tell me there's a spot on the floor that needs to be cleaned when he's right there. Or ask what I'm cooking for lunch while in the middle of cleaning when he's perfectly capable of cooking. While playing with our son, instead of grabbing a diaper he tells me he needs to be changed. And the last few days has been making comments about me not being able to get stuff because I don't have an income. Excuse me!? I need a new phone cuz mine broke, have warranty but need to pay 140 to get a new one, and he asks how I'm guna pay that with no income. Yet he just went out and spent $400 on 2 tools he will probably use once and forget about, new shoes when he just bought shoes, long board parts cuz he " needs to get out of the house for me time🙄" ans just bought 2 bikes that needs 100s in work to even roll. I'm pretty sure he wants me to stay home So he can control everything, or atleast thinks he does. I feel like I could be doing more with myself. I thought we would be happier after the move outside the city.ugh just feel like having a crying day😭