⭐️Sleep Sack⭐️

Lisa • Mommy to miss Penny Lane🎼💗🌹 8/4/18 and to two fur babies Link🐾 and Logan😸

I’ve been talking to my girls Courtney and Kendra about this today, so I’m just curious, how many of you still have your babes in a sleep sack?

Long story short, we had Penny swaddled till 16 weeks(she had a crazy strong startle reflex), and then switched to the Merlin. She was in that till about 8 months old, and then we got some sleep sacks. She’s still in her sleep sacks, and I love them! She does as well, BUT I’m toying with the idea of taking her out of them cause she’s been getting her little feet stuck in the crib bars now😣And she’s not able to roll herself over as easily in the sleep sack I’m thinking.

If your babe isn’t in a sleep sack, do you jus used footed pjs for bed? This is what I will most likely do, and maybe get some two piece pajama sets. And in the winter, I’ll layer her underneath them, and/or use socks. But we have a TOG 1 fleece sleep sack for winter, and I was planning to get a TOG 2 cause her room gets so cold! So I’m not that happy about the possibility of having her sleep without it if you couldn’t tell haha.

Just wondering what you other mamas were doing for sleep wear and such. I know there was a blanket post the other day, but I’m not comfortable giving her a blanket for a while.