My mom...

My mom is breaking me down. She overreacts about the tiniest things and I honestly don’t know what to do about it. We’ve gone to therapy together about it a couple of times but nothing has gotten better. If I forget to do a chore she yells at me and calls me selfish and self centered, one time she told me that’s why I won’t be able to maintain relationships because I’m too selfish. If I eat some junk food with a friend she freaks out, throws it away (even though I pay for it with my own money!) and screams at me saying I don’t care about my diet or my dental health and that I’m paying for my own health bills from now on.

Today we argued because I owed her $20, and she took almost twice that from me. When I asked for my money back, she insisted that I owed her more than $20. I asked what I owed her for and she couldn’t come up with an answer. Just said “I know you owe me for something,” which is not true. She then said she’d never lend me money again and that I am selfish and entitled for asking for my money back. This kind of thing happens all the time. She overreacts and insults me, she calls me self centered all the time and whenever I argue back she starts ignoring me and giving me the silent treatment, often telling me to go away. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t think this kind of arguing is normal. But nothing I say to her makes any sort of difference. Therapy isn’t helping so I don’t know what will. And I’m currently too young to get a job or move out or anything.