Is it wrong to reach out to my bf when I’m sad?

So I know I’m PMSing rn, so I know I feel a little irrational. I’m just kind of falling into a bit of an insecure sadness hole. It’s not particularly about anything, but I just want to talk to my boyfriend about it. The problem is we’ve only been dating for less than 2 months and I’ve never been able to be vulnerable like that to any guy I’ve dated. I just don’t want to bother him. Especially since he’s hanging out with friends. I did text him good night, bc I need to fall asleep and he hasn’t looked at that so he’s probably busy. This is a feeling I get a lot, so maybe not just in this instance but in general too, is it wrong to reach out to your bf when your feeling sad? Like do you think he’ll get annoyed or something? I don’t know. I know it’s irrational, he hasn’t actually done anything to make me think he would. I’m still worried about it tho

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