Ectopic pregnancy

Sorry for the long post ahead!

Has anyone ever gotten their period and then felt sharp pains right after. I took plan b after the condom burst and then had the stomach pains for a week as one of the side effects. My period came 3 days early and was shorter than normal and lighter towards the end. The next day after my period ended, I had really bad stomach cramps in my lower abdomen to the point of wanting to leave work but I took some antacids and drank a sprite and laid down for 10 minutes (yes at work lol). and then felt better. Those bad stomach cramps were Sunday. It is now Friday and they have been on an off but not as severe as on Sunday. They have been in one side and then I did have some pelvic pain earlier this week. Now the pelvic pain feels as if it is on one side. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative but going to take another today. If that doesn’t give an answer, I’m looking at taking a blood test. I’m starting to wonder if that period was not really my period but I did get my normal period cramps a week before starting my period as I normally do. When I first had the stomach cramps on Sunday, I honestly thought it was constipation but I have now pooped in the last few days so now I’m sure it’s not that. Just wondering if anyone has had any other ectopic pregnancy stories that could be similar to this. I haven’t had the brown discharge or shoulder pain as I’ve read online are symptoms.