How many times does your 11 mo wake at night?



Comment with milk or no milk feed during the night?

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1-2 a night, breastfeeding. It seems more for soothing than actual eating.


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Was waking 5+. Did Taking Cara Babies suggestions and now mostly 0-1 wake ups a night with no milk. These past 2 weeks had 3 “bad” nights with multiple crying sessions. Never really figured out why.


Toez • Sep 3, 2019
Whatever you choose I recommend actually purchasing a book or class. It’s hard to get all the details and answers to your questions when your sources are all over the place. Just find one that you are comfortable with and stick to it.


Toez • Sep 3, 2019
If you look it up online it will take you to a website where you can purchase the class. There’s videos and booklets. It is essentially a graduated cry it out method, but actually spending money on it gave me some tips that I never found with just simple internet searches.


Tr • Sep 3, 2019
What’s Cara Babies? I really need some sleep with DD turning one on Sunday.


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1-2x for milk...ebf here


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Has been 4 times or more every night because she has 7+ teeth coming in at once and everything we try fails except Tylenol


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No feeding during the night since 3-4 months old


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Every 3 hours, generally. My oldest who is 3 JUST started making it through the night a few months ago. He nursed every 2-3 hours during the night until he was 16 months old and then had night terrors that have just finally seemed to go away. I'm pretty much in for the long haul here and expecting my youngest won't sleep through the night for a while. But he at least sleeps in his own bed (in my room), whereas my toddler has always slept in my bed. Their dad works night shift, so neither will sleep in their own rooms for quite a while.


Divinia • Sep 3, 2019
Same with my daughter, started sleeping through at 3 but still occasionally wakes to go toilet or look for daddy. My youngest seems to be doing the same thing.


Posted at
Was waking multiple times but completed Taking Cara Babies and now he only ever wakes up if he is sick. Sleeps 11-12 hours a night. Totally different kid. Much happier


Sara • Sep 3, 2019
What is Taking Cara Babies?


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With milk


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Waking up 1-2 but not nursing anymore. Just popping a soother back in


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Wakes once for bottle in morning then sleeps for a couple more hours.