What an asshole! 😡 *UPDATE*

I gave birth to my second son about a month ago, via c-section. My body and myself mentally is still healing. I don't even think about sex right now. All my partner has been talking about is sex and how he can't wait to have it. I get it. It's been awhile since we've done anything. But last night he really pissed me off. We've had problems thos past year. Issues with trust, on my end. I'm still trying to get past these issues and he is trying to regain my trust, but I don't feel right being intimate right now. Also my body is not where I want it to be. I'm feeling incredibly insecure about it. I told him I think I feel it's best to hold off from sex until we work on our issues more. He got mad. He said he's deprived of it and how long is it going to take me to get over things. He also said I'm using sex as a punishment. Which I'm not at all. I just would rather us concentrate on rebuilding trust and an actual healthy relationship instead of letting sex handle our issues. I also told him I feel insecure being undressed right now and he said "it's not all about you". I felt so hurt. He's being such a selfish prick. He doesn't even care if I want to have to have sex. He's just thinking about his own needs. I wish he'd get this angry when I say I don't trust him, or the fact I'm not wearing my engagement anymore. I wish he'd be that upset about my actual feelings. I told him if that's all he gives a shit about then he can let me know and I'll happily move to the side to let him leave and find it from someone else. I'll gladly let a man leave if he's not willing to put in actual work to fix what's broken or support me in any way I feel. Maybe I'm wrong for this, but I want to see if our relationship could be more than just sex and that we can actually communicate on a healthy level about our issue's.

So we talked about it more this morning. He brought me breakfast and apoligized for the remark he made. He admitted to being a jerk. He said if I need time he'll give it to me but he just hopes it isn't too long. I told him yes I need some time and when I'm ready I'll go to him.