Response to cleaning service?


How do I react to this? Is it just live and learn?

I hired someone for a deep clean the day before my planned 39 week induction because I was huge and tired and falling behind. Baby came early, so we were both home yesterday and I’m now able to do more than I expected because delivery was really easy.

Cleaner quoted 315 which included cleaning out our sticky fridge (35/hr for 9 hours). Missed some things like water spots on hardwood floors and dust bunnies behind/ under doors that I asked her to address before she left; she blamed the employee helping her and fixed them. They wrapped up and she ended up charging $400 for about 11 hours of work. After I paid and she left, I found many more things missed; baseboards not cleaned, stairs not vacuumed, mirror not wiped, window sills not wiped. Can not fathom what they spent 11 hours on.

I messaged her thanking her for a great job on the fridge and bathrooms but mentioning there were a few things missed for more than 10 hours of work and sent her pictures to illustrate my point and she just said sorry they didn’t meet my expectations (no offer to fix it, no offer for a partial refund). I was annoyed and cleaned the things they missed myself because I feel up to it, but I’m mad that I’m out $400 and feel like I got duped. Do I just eat the $400 and chalk it up to a learning experience? Do I respond to her latest message, that seems to imply tough luck?

Pictures below of the dirt that came out of my stair carpets, dirt from the baseboards and just one of the window sills