Transitioning baby into her own bedroom


Hi everyone,

I just made another post about baby monitors, sorry about spamming the group with so many questions. This is a long post as I would like to get some opinions to help me make a decision.

My daughter has been sleeping in my bedroom since she was born and it has been going well. I was set on having her sleep with us for a few more months but after talking to her pediatrician today my husband started wondering if maybe it wouldn’t be better for all of us if we transitioned her into her own bedroom (which is right next to ours).

I don’t know what to do as I don’t feel ready for the separation yet (I know, this is a “me” problem and I have to get over it asap 🙈) and I am also obviously super scared of sids. These are the main reasons my daughter is still in our bedroom, apart from the fact that it makes our lives easier whenever she wakes up in the middle of the night (I exclusively breastfeed).

Here are the reasons for transitioning her into her own bedroom:

- we have different bedtimes. Our daughter sleep from 7 to 10 pm then I dream feed her when we go to bed. The pediatrician said she might not need this last feed but I feel like otherwise we will make noise when going to bed and she will wake up. If I don’t feed her I’m not sure she will go right back to sleep.

- my husband and I miss having our own space. We are always worried about waking up the baby, it’s ridiculous.

- I have a feeling that my daughter would sleep better if she were in her own bedroom. My husband tosses and turns a lot all night long and sometimes I think it disrupts her sleep.

Does anyone have any advice? If your baby still sleeps with you, how do you make it work? If you transitioned, how are you feeling about it? I’m not sure I’m ready.

Thanks for reading this super long post