Will most likely miscarry..

I went for my first ultrasound on Monday the 5th of October. During this ultrasound I thought I was around 8 weeks pregnant. When I was getting my sonogram I was getting bad feelings that something was not right because the technician was not really saying much at all. At that point I was so nervous. After the sonogram I had to wait to see the doctor which was hell. I had this feeling that something wasn't right. When I met with the doctor she began to tell me that she was concerned because the baby was measuring at 6 weeks instead of 8. She wanted me to get my hcg levels taken that day and then to come back on Wednesday to see if my levels were doubling. Unfortunalty on Thursday I got the phone call that my levels are going down. My levels went from approx. 42000 down to 36000. She told me that she still wants me to come in for another sonogram appointment on Tuesday I guess to see if there was any growth. 
When I got the news that my levels went down I was devastated. I then had to tell my husband the sad news. He immediately came home from work and held me as I cried. At this point I don't know what to feel or what to think. I am just so hurt and sad. We wanted this child more than anything and it crushed us to get this news. The past two days I have been having some light cramping and light bleeding but only when I wipe. I feel like I am waiting to bleed and it just feels horrible. This is the worst feeling in the world.  
It is so hard for me to talk about it without bawling my eyes out. This was our child. Even though unborn it was a life. We changed our lives for him/her. We started planning and doing things a lot differently for our little one. It is so hard to experience a loss like this. I am so sorry for all that have miscarried. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone.