Let’s talk all things eating disorders!!!


Why is it that doctors don’t recognize overeating as an eating disorder?

It is down the same mental road as anorexia and bulimia.

When I was in 3rd grade I was regularly bullied by my sisters about being fat. My mother made me exercise while she was on the couch eating chips with one of my sisters. One time, at the mall, I stood on one of the pay a quarter scales... It said I weighed 113. I was mortified. I didn’t want anyone to see. It was my first time to ever stand on a scale. (We were really poor, so we didn’t get medical care.) It would be years later that I would find out my sister put the foot on the scale to make my weight higher.

I saw one of my older sisters friend that I hadn’t seen in a long time. She had lost a lot of weight. She told me she would puke after eating. That is where my eating disorder began. I lost weight really quick.

I finally had a normal relationship with food when I met my oldest son’s dad. From the age of 15 to 20, I did great. I ate properly for the first time since I was little.

I got in a really bad relationship with a horrible guy. I put on 30 pounds in 4 months of bing with him. He really mentally abused me before turning physical. We split up 11 years ago, but since then I have not been able to control my eating.

I have tried every diet I could think of. I really need help, but primary doctors don’t recognize overeating as a disorder. My insurance won’t cover anything weight loss related.

Who else has an eating disorder?

Who has overcome it?