How do you let go of control?

I posted this in a other group a couple days ago, but no one had any advice, so I'm trying this group.

I have had a really hard time with this lately. I'm the type of person who likes to have a plan and be in control of what's going on in my life. We have been struggling with infertility for 3 years now. The first 2.5 years, we tried completely on our own. In some ways, that was easier because I was doing my research and trying new things, so I was in control. But since we were not successful, I felt like I couldn't do anything to get pregnant and felt like I was failing us. So earlier this year we started seeking help from a Dr. So now our Dr is in control. She is running the tests she sees fit (along with a couple I asked for), she is coming up with what she thinks is the best plan for us, and we have to wait for her before we can move on to the next step. I hate that all of this is in someone else's hands.

She was supposed to message me yesterday or Monday with my lab results and let me know if I can stop the medication I'm on and switch to the next one. I hadn't heard from her, but my results were posted online on my account we use to communicate back and forth. I wanted so bad to just wait for her to contact me, like she said she would, but it's already a day later, so I just sent her a message checking in to see if she has looked at my results and has an update on when I can switch medications. I just hate that I have to wait on someone else for this.

I feel like a control freak and like I'm going to end up being one of those patients drs hate.

Any advice?