general question for all moms Im a FTM i hear so much about Medela and Spectra with Spectrum the best breast pump medela being too loud with not good suction I have ten breast pumps on my list I need all opinions on them also i have big boobs 💁


Lansinoh pump smart pump

Ardo calypso essentials pump

Lansinoh signature pro


Tomy quiet expressions plus


I had to add a few of the breast pumps in the description again I am just trying to I weigh my options our best suction that's also going to keep my milk supply you know everything that every mom wants to know about each breast pump if you have used these or know someone who have if you guys like tell me to research and reviews I would highly highly appreciate it I don't mean to ask much my friend wants me to get Spectre she said it's the best I was leaning toward the freemie breast pump hands-free only because it seems a little easier to get around especially like at work and with multiple kids (step kids) FLOOD WITH COMMENTS please

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