My Dog Got Loose. šŸ•

Basically somehow the back door got opened? And my dog ran out, while I was upstairs. Didnā€™t even notice till who knows how long later when I came back downstairs, this has never happened before. So I go outside and Iā€™m looking around for her, thereā€™s a park across the street with some kids playing, and I see her approaching the park. She walks up to some kids and they start screaming their heads off, freaking out, and jumping onto the playset to get away from her. My dog, who loves children, is freaked out and runs away, noticing me she runs right up to me, because sheā€™s one of those dogs who just know to stay by their owners (usually, she did decide to venture off on her own today so Iā€™ll remember that from now on) and all the kids at the park start giving me looks and whispering to each other. They werenā€™t young but they also werenā€™t old, Iā€™d guess probably around 10-12 in age. Iā€™m mostly just scared of them going and telling their parents that my dog tried to attack them or something, since they freaked out so much Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re just naturally afraid of dogs, which is understandable, my dog shouldnā€™t have been running around. But I donā€™t want me or my dog getting in trouble for something that didnā€™t happen. She walked up to them with her tail wagging and she was ready to play, I could tell from across the street that she had absolutely no aggression showing from her. I just donā€™t want my dog labeled as aggressive because some kids were naturally afraid of her. The HOAā€™s are already insanely strict about animals, I donā€™t want to have to move because of one incident with my dog.