Something on my stomach???

Okay story time so a couple months I got this weird bump on my stomach that really hurt I just thought that it might’ve been a spider bite. Anyway that bite considered to get worse I never went to the doctors cause my parents didn’t think it was a big deal but it left me with a hole in my stomach that scarred

Picture below

Anyway now that a couple months have passed i noticed a couple days ago that I now have 2 more bumps on my stomach that are very similar to what I experienced. One of the bumps has gone down but the other one is getting bigger and more painful

Also it feels really hard underneath my skin

I have absolutely no idea what this could be and I can’t really go to the doctor now because I have no health insurance so it would be really expensive. plus my parents just spent a lot of their money preparing for this hurricane that’s gonna hit florida so they can’t even afford right now to take me to the doctors