Did you settle? Have you settled?


Apologise if this is the wrong group and if this is a worn out topic.

Did you marry or are you with your partner because you are/were genuinely in love with them or did/have you settled for less.

By less I mean, someone you never thought you'd date/marry or for whatever other reason you might consider less. Height, weight, health, finances, kids from other relationships etc.

Maybe because they treat you better, your biological clock is ticking, pressure from family friends, things like that.

You can add whatever.

I don't mean to be demeaning to anyone at all, I believe everyone has something to offer but I like most women growing up had some sort of fantasy about the man we'd settle down with.

Please be civil and I repeat again. If this is a worn out topic, my bad.

I'd just like to hear stories from different women about their experience in this thing called life.

Thanks for participating.