Feeling low. (Morning sickness rant)

Jessie • Housewife, animal mom of 3, Sylvia❤️ 👶🏻 3/30/2020

My fellow sisters out there. I know I definitely don’t have “morning” sickness as bad as some of you, but tonight is the worst I have felt yet. After a day of not throwing up, I thought I was gonna be okay for once after a full week on throwing up at least once a day. No. It was painful, had me gasping for air, in which the smell would make me wretch even more. It ended with painful dry heaving. My throat burns from bile, I popped a few (more) vessels in my face, and I got a small nosebleed. I am an emotional, exhausted mess. All I want is a day without nausea and vomiting. I want to be able to make coffee for my husband without gagging at the smell. I would like to drink a cup of it, knowing I would not puke it up later.

My stomach hurts. I have some puke stuck to the back of my throat. I have tried ginger tea, bananas, crackers by the bedside, ginger ale, and peppermint tea.

Ladies, I need prayer for strength, because I feel like this is breaking me. It has become difficult to drink plain water, even that makes me feel sick.

Just pray for me. Again, I know I don’t have it as bad as other people, but mentally, it is torturing me anymore.