Am I just over reacting

2 weeks ago I told my fiance to please keep Friday open for us to be able to have our once in a great while date. Well Friday morning before he left for work I asked him where we were going to go. He said that he had to go help his friend so we couldn't go anymore. Anyways I got pissed off and said oh well just my luck. Well than I told him I wanted to do something Saturday. Come to find out he's gotta help his buddy put his roof on. Wtf. None of this was mentioned to me. I'm a stay at home mom and I literally never get out of the house. Him and I NEVER have time together. He always has something going on. Rather it be work or doing something for a friend. I honestly feel like I'm not a priority. I feel like I'm more of a convenience. I'm sick of his friends always coming first. I left everything to come be here with him. The least he could do is make me feel wanted