First Time Mum Anxiety 😩

Tallulah • Expecting April 2020 🖤

Hello everybody, this is my first time posting on here! As of today, I am 7 weeks exactly and I’m from the UK ☺️

Earlier this week I had an app with my doctor, but nothing really happened! They didn’t confirm my pregnancy with a test and asked me a few questions about mine/my SO’s lifestyle.

The Dr then asked me to book an app to see the midwife in about 4 weeks time, so my app is booked for the 25th Sept.

I’ve seen loads of scan pictures from mums who are about 8/9 weeks and I know I won’t be getting mine until after my first midwife app! I’m not sure if this is a UK vs US thing, or a higher risk pregnancy thing, but being pregnant and in such early days is making me so anxious!

My symptoms haven’t been strong at all - I’ve had nausea here and there, lots of bloating, breast tenderness and headaches. But nowhere near as bad as I expected!

All of this is making me worried there’s something wrong and I’m desperate to see little bubba!

Anyone else feel/felt the same? 💕