Anyone here with thyroid issues?

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 years ago. I was put on meds and didn’t have any issues with it, even when I became pregnant. About 4 months after I had my son I felt like something was off. Turns out my thyroid levels were extremely high. (Thanks to an OB who neglected to check them at my 6 week follow up.) We have been trying to find the right dose to get my levels under control and have since been trying for baby # 2 for 2 months. However I am finding that I now have a short 10 day luteal phase, which obviously can make it difficult to conceive. When we were trying for my son, my luteal phase was 13-14 days. Once they get my thyroid levels back under control, will my luteal phase increase? Could my thyroid issues that I’m having right now be the cause of this? I was told my cycle would go back to the way is was before pregnancy but that hasn’t been the case.