Pregnant Directly After Miscarriage


I miscarried at nine weeks. I finished passing tissue August 5th. The last couple of days I felt like I was pregnant. I was pregnant very recently. I remember the feeling. I ignored it, because what are the chances right! Well then I thought what the heck, I’ll take a pregnancy test, I only have a million of the cheap ones from the internet. Five minutes later appeared a faint line.

I’m shocked! I wasn’t trying or anything. Lol, Well I was also not not trying if you know what I mean. My husband and I were having the normal amount of sex that we have.

By the way, out of curiosity I took a pregnancy test about two weeks ago to see if I still any leftover HCG. The test was negative.

I haven’t told anyone yet. Y’all are the first to know. Lol. I really don’t know what to say. My husband is going to think I’m just baby crazy and need to grip on reality. Lol