Why I married him 😭


Ladies I just wanted to share what an amazing man my husband is.

I've had the WORST day with my 18m old son. Hes been a complete terror. I'm 25 weeks pregnant and bad days with him just seem 10x worse because of it. He wasnt letting me eat or even pee. It's been a nightmare.

I was texting my husband all about it. Telling him how I felt. And I said I didn't want to be a mom anymore ( thanks hormones)

And he sends me this.

I literally BURST into tears. (Again, thanks hormones) It's the little things. Bringing your wife coffee and food when the world feels like its collapsing. Just reminds me that I dont actually feel this way. That I'm just tired and hungry and it's just been a bad day. They aren't always like this.

I married the right man.