Do you enjoy doing dishes??

I know this question doesn’t match the group but I don’t think it matches any group 😂 and I’ve always been curious about this.

I know that a lot of people own dishwashers to make life easier but I’ve never owned one and I don’t think I want to. My mum mostly washes up (because she literally kicks us out of the kitchen. I’m not a rude teenager who refuses to help her mum)

When I do wash up though, I love it. I love the warm/hot water and scrubbing the plates and cutlery. I love it so much. It’s therapeutic to me. It gives me time to think about anything and everything. I play some music, I dance a little, I take time to think about life.

I absolutely despise baths so I can’t relax in them but give me a sink full of dishes and I will relax instantly 😂😂

Is this just me??

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