Selfish new father

I'm a stay at home with our 8 week baby. My S/o has little time over the weekday because of work but he makes time to change her, talk and play with her. Today we had a discussion that our baby naps too much during the day and gets fussy, all action during the evening. He suggests to not let her nap so she can sleep at night. She has reflux and wind. After soothing her for a couple of hours, instead of going to sleep she started crying. My S/o lost it, he couldn't believe it so he left the room and left me with crying baby alone. We argued that he can't be a parent 50% of the time but 100% and 24hrs not just half a day. He pointed at his paperwork and said that's his job!!! He blames me for baby having wind and reflux because I refuse to give up coffee and he blames me when he gets home from work, baby is fussy until he goes to bed (as if I'm doing it on purpose) what do I do with a selfish father who doesn't seem to care to acknowledge that babies cry and fussy and he has to stick around with me to make it better??