22 month old son .. sick


Hi we just got back from Florida ... and my 22 month old son on Thursday projectile vomited about 3-4 times and had a fever for two days and now temp is fine .. he has been acting okay lil cranky .. his appetite has been hit or miss ( he will eat but not like his usual) ; and every since Thursday he has been have big loose stools and just started having diarrhea today .. and his bottom and areas r super red and raw .. I have been changing his diaper like crazy he has been drinking fluids and having popsicles 😬.. I’m thinking he got a lil bug or something from the airplane or airport .. and thinking it’s his body trying to get rid of it .. should I be more concerned ?!? I usually the type of mom that worries all the time but had other ppl to say it will pass just need other ppls input !!