Lost sex drive LONG, TMI

Ladies that lost your sex drive during pregnancy (myself 110% included), how did your man react?? My sex drive has been dwindling almost since about 10 weeks, and completely plummeted around 15 weeks. I’m now 21 weeks, we haven’t had sex in 3 weeks, and my boyfriend makes sure to remind me multiple times a day. I wasn’t a super sexual person before getting pregnant and now it’s even worse. I’ve tried to explain that this is sometimes normal for a pregnant woman, but all his “work buddies” keep telling him that their wives got MORE horny during pregnancy (still normal for pregnant women, but not me). Tonight I caved and told him I didn’t want to have sex (3 times) but I guess we could try. I never get any foreplay, seduction, anything so that makes it even worse. *TMI* he starts fingering me for a couple minutes (I wasn’t even wet) and I’m getting absolutely no pleasure, just absolutely uncomfortable to the point I couldn’t continue. I was in tears and told him I couldn’t do it tonight. He got MAD, stormed off to the living room, and is sleeping on the couch. I feel violated and I’m really afraid he’s going to get it from someone else, especially when we have to wait at LEAST 6 weeks after birth, possibly longer. He’s going to a party next weekend 🙄 by himself, because I’ll be the DD for my best friends bachelorette party and can’t go with him. I’ve never not trusted him, but I’m afraid given the opportunity he would get some from someone else.. I feel like I’m obligated to “give him some” just so he won’t cheat. This is crazy, I know, what’s wrong with me?!