Starting to second guess our decision...UPDATE

I need some words of encouragement here for mama's who decided NOT to circumsize and live in the U.S.

When we found out we were having a boy, I figured we would circumsize because my husband is. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said he didn't want to. He wanted him to come into this world peacefully and how God made him. He said he wishes he hadn't been circumsized. I agreed.

My son is now 10 weeks old and I've had a few people ask me "so was it hard watching him get circumsized?" And I tell them we didn't do it. They act really surprised when I say it. I even had a nurse at my doctor's office try to talk me and my husband out of our decision by telling us all the "horrors" of leaving him uncircumsized.

Last night I had a nightmare that he was getting made fun of at school about it and wanted to harm himself. So I woke up today doubting our decision...I've seen stories of people saying their sons were bullied and tried to "circumsize themselves" or other horrible things. I'm afraid he'll wonder why hes different than his dad or girls will make fun of him when hes older.

So, basically, I need someone to tell me our decision was okay and he will be alright. I wish it wasn't the norm here in the U.S. to circumsize, but unfortunately it is. :(

Edit: Thank you all so much for responding. You made me feel 100% better and now I'm confident we made the right decision for our sweet boy.