Toxic family ??


so, I’m 18 right now and I live with my boyfriend due to a mentally abusive household. Since I was 14 my mother told me that I was a slut and I was ugly and fat. She told me to kill myself and that she wouldn’t care I wasn’t here. My father is never around which makes it worse. My younger sister is just as abusive but my mother doesn’t see anything wrong with it. I got severely depressed when I was 17 and started attempting suicide and self harming. My mother and sister would make fun of me. I have since then gotten a job and since I’ve moved out; focusing on myself. I earn a stable about of money but even though I do not live my family they are still toxic. They only talk to me when they want money and when I say no they exclude me from everything. I gave my mother $2000 and it’s been 2 months and she hasn’t given me anything back. I get bullied and degraded by my boss for that money. I work 12 hours a day and barely have time for school. My dumb sister wants me to do her assignments for her and when I don’t she bullies me. My family just suck every happy thing I have and I feel so empty. Idk what to do. I feel lost.