I was told girl and now boy ??! Ultrasound


I had an ultrasound today at those 4D ultrasound places and I was told boy. A few weeks ago, I went in to my Genetics testing U/S and I was told more than sure it was a girl . I am worried that this time around the ultrasound was Wrong. The tech kept mentioning that the umbilical cord was between the legs.. now I’m worried it could Have been that. Now I don’t know what to believe, boy or girl? I’m happy with a boy or girl .. I just dislike growing the idea on me on of the sex of my baby and then having to change once again.

I see 3 lines in the ultrasound, but then again I see something between legs. Could be the umbilical cord or a boy! I’m confused.. 16 Weeks and 5 days today

Opinions/thoughts are appreciated!