I’m so excited and thankful!!🥰😊

I am NOT bragging, but I just wanted to share with someone because I’m so happy and I honestly feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulder. This may seem like a SMALL issue and it is especially with the hurricane coming, but I got a new car! I’m 17 and had a 2002 Toyota Camry that kept breaking part after part and we were constantly pouring money into it. My parents bought it at 200,000 plus miles and we could not fix it for the past 2 and a half months it was broke. I was so stressed because I thought it was fixable so I didn’t put any money back to save for another car. I also only make about an average of $220 every two weeks because my job and hours are shitty and most of it goes to gas because I drive for my job. Yesterday my parents went car shopping and found a 2002 Jeep Liberty with 80,000 less miles than my previous car and I love it! It doesn’t have ac yet but the dealer we got it from has the part and said we could bring it Tuesday depending on what the hurricane does to have it fixed and anything else we find an issue with because they haven’t had time to put it in their shop yet. They went ahead and bought it yesterday because 3 other people were looking at it and one was coming back that day but forgot to leave a deposit. My mom had a Jeep Liberty for most of my childhood and it’s always been a car that I wanted. I feel like this was just meant to be and I’m not a very religious person but I feel like god definitely had a plan for me when he put me through stress these past two months. When I test drove the car I even found a cd with Christian songs in the CD player. To many of you this may seem silly but I was so stressed because my car is my job and it would take me years to save up to even buy a $2,000 car. I just feel like this was definitely planned out by the man upstairs and I’m so thankful for my parents who were able to do this for me and god having a plan for me when I don’t go to church like I should.