Hi! So we are actively TTC and have been for awhile now. So here's the story... my periods are all over the place (60 to 80 day cycles) so my doctor has me on Provera to induce a period which would obviously lead to ovulation and then we could try. Well this is my 3rd time on Provera and I always take a pregnancy test before I start the first dose. I took a test on 8/18/19 and it was negative. So I took my first dose that day. There are 10 doses. I took my last dose on 8/27/19. The doctors office told me to call them if no period after 10 days from last pill. I am only 5 days post last pill. So I wasn't too concerned. But from 8/26/19 to 8/29/19 I had awful cramping that would keep me up at night. I assumed my period was coming. It never came. So here we are today, 5 days post last pill and I looked up reasons why I could have period symptoms but no period after taking provera....and something said pregnancy. So I ofcourse took a test just to see and I got a positive. I'm not sure if it's a false positive or not, but I'm freaking out that I'm possibly pregnant and I took Provera.

If I am, what can happen to the baby? Anything I should be concerned about? Of course this is a long holiday weekend and they won't be in tomorrow and I just don't know what to do. Is it more than likely a false positive because I took Provera?

Please help.