urgent hellpp

is it possible for my to worry myself with symptoms. ive been paranoid about herpes for a while and when i found a bump(even though i didn't have any itching or burning before then) i looked up herpes symptoms and i started to get itchy and uncomfortable down there. but then it would stop and its been three days and no blisters or anything has appeared and the itching stopped?

i talked to my friend about it and she said i was just believing the symptoms and making myself feel them or whatever. i was also on my period at the time and using liners and she said i might've had a reaction to them. each day after i stopped using them the itching got less and less. but im still worried about having herpes. do y'all think i should just stop worrying and im being paranoid or i should get checked. i haven't had sex without a condom unless it was oral but wouldn't that mean id have oral and genital herpes ?