Sleep training success


Hi everyone! I just wanted to share our experience with sleep training in case anyone is on the fence about doing it yet. My son is 4.5 months old and was so hard to put down for the night. We were always rocking him for so long and then he would wake up instantly when put down. He would also wake up every 2 hours all night long and I would just nurse him back to sleep because I didn’t know what else to do. After it just kept getting worse and worse, we decided it was time to try sleep training. I was worried because he’s still a bit young but let me tell you it was worth it. We followed the taking cara babies ABCs of sleep plan (glorified Ferber method). The first night I put him down in his crib awake, he cried for 2 hours before he finally fell asleep. Seriously worst two hours of my life. He was awake for another 2.5 hours in the middle of the night. Basically he was awake and crying for 272 minutes total that night. AWFUL!!! We wanted to give in so many times but we held back because we hoped it would be worth it in the end. The second night he only cried for 11 minutes and was asleep 10 minutes after that!! I did two dream feeds but other than that he slept till 7:30 am!! Our third night he cried for TWO minutes and was asleep in 15 minutes and again slept through the night. I never would have thought it would go this well. So if you’re going through this just know it does get better!! Even if the first night is as horrible as ours was. Letting them cry is not for everyone but it was worth it for us.