Will I ever get my rainbow..

Brittany • 26•🌈 Lily Mae 6-9-20•👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

We found out six days ago we were expecting again after two early losses and third round of Clomid. My first blood draw my HCG was 19 and my progesterone was 19.9, this was the day of my expected period (14 DPO). Second blood draw two days later (16 DPO) HCG was 48 and progesterone was 32. It more than doubled so I was ecstatic, and my progesterone was NEVER this good before. But I had this pain that I had last time I miscarried and of course kept testing to make sure my tests were continuing to get darker.. and they started getting lighter and I have had terrible cramps today.. so I am pretty sure I am losing this baby too. I am just at loss of what to do. I fear that I may never get to carry a baby to term, that I will never get to be a mother that I so desperately want to be, and that I will never get to see my husband be a daddy. I feel absolutely defeated..