

I was EBF my son since he was born. Until I went back to work. He has bottles during the day and nurses at night.

Lately, he’s only been wanting bottles in the evening and he’ll nurse if he wakes in the middle of the night with no problems.

My problem is, during the weekends when I’m home, he doesn’t want me. He pushes me away and kicks and screams until I give in and give him a bottle. Which I then need to pump since I missed that feed.

I love that I’ve been able to nurse my son for just about 5 months. But the stress of making sure he’s getting enough when he nurses, having to pump because he wants a bottle, and having him push me away almost every time he’s hungry is becoming too much.

I’d love to continue to nurse him but I’m over stressing about all of this. Is it bad that, even though I can continue pumping daily, part of me wants to give in and transition to formula?

I want to be able to enjoy my son entirely without being consumed by pumping. But I also love the bond nursing creates and being proud that I can feed my son on demand when he needs it.

Idk. I’m just venting. And slightly conflicted.