Endometriosis/ovarian cysts/ dermoid cysts.


I need answers!!😬😬 please spare 5 minutes since medical experts are unable to give me answers.

Has anyone else abnormal periods??

For 6 years I have been back and forth to the doctors/ private doctors paying for scans/ the gynaecologist about the same symptoms and pains. I have got nearly every scan (but no internal scan) and they can’t find the reason to my pains, leaving me to question why?. My periods would last for 14 days and I would leak through two maternity pads including my bottoms. I tried 5 different contraception pills which never worked. So I have been on my third year of the depo provera, I still get break through here and then but it stopped the abnormal bleeding completely.

The pains I suffer from is either throbbing and pulsing pains in my lower abdomen..being physically sick when they are bad... unable to wear clothing around my stomach area. Unable to walk or move. Shootings pains down my leg and groin. Diarrhoea.

Nothing takes the pain away I have to let is pass on it’s own and it is soo mentally draining. It’s affecting my social life my work life my school life.

My mum suffered from the same symptoms when she was my age and the doctors never found out what the problem was until she was rushed to A&E because a dermoid cyst had been growing and ruptured, leaving her 7 mins to get it removed before she would get sepsis and die. The dermoid cyst was the size of a tin of coke and other details.

What can I do to get my doctors to find out the reason causing these pains?!!!! Why won’t they listen it is depressing and is affecting me mentally. 6 years is long enough and being told that nothing is wrong is getting beyond a joke I won’t help before these pains escalate. Officially moving doctors and if I can’t find help from them.. then the internet is my last resort.