Too young? I can never stop thinking of starting our familg


Hi! My SO and I have been married since I was 16, I’m not 19 and we’ve been living in a stable home and the hubby is working fill time providing for the both of us (he’s 23 in a couple months). We’ve been best friends for so long and we’ve only the past two years started to just talk about the idea of getting my IUD removed and beginning TTC. I guess I want advice on whether you think we’re too young or if you agree with my baby fever that with the right amount of savings, a stable home, and stable parents we can raise a loved and nurtured child whiteout letting our age affect them negatively in any way? We still are planning and have yet to go discuss this topic with my OBGYN but I think I need a little push when the time comes, my mom doesn’t quite support me in many ways and I don’t have many female role models to turn to with these concerns and questions. Thanks loves!