Is my friend a sociopath?

I really need an answer or some sort of clarity for this, as it’s Been on my mind for a long time!

I have a ‘close’ friend of mine, let’s call her M. M is portrayed as a social butterfly, very childish and immature (we’re both 17), nice and friendly to other. This is also what I thought of her at the start of our friendship.

However I noticed many things, the tendency for her to very discretely turn our friendship into a competition. Copying hairstyles, piercings, outfits, everything you could think of. All my friends which I’ve explained to said she was clearly jealous, which she was.

However many of my and I noticed more things as time went on. she would constantly lie for completely no reason (M has admitted this to me on a call as well), she would become very neurotic and would switch up her moods like a snap. she is terrible at hiding her feelings when she becomes jealous or angry at something.

She has anxiety, which she knows stems from her extreme insecurity and her constantly comparing herself to others.

However the reason why I think she is a sociopath rather than the being cause by anxiety is due to these reasons:

- she lies constantly

- she is very good at manipulating others to gain sympathy and pity from others

- she is very neurotic

- she talks very fast sometimes and is extremely impulsive with her decisions

- she cannot stand others being ‘better’ than her in a way

- she does not feel bad for her actions or words as long as it benefits herself (however makes it seem like she is sorry through manipulation)

- she always talks about herself and has a high ego

- she cares about the quantity of friendships and what she can get out of them rather than quality

- (many more reasons but there’s so many I cannot think properly)

Sorry this may be a lot to read for you guys but I feel liek I’m going crazy 🙁