I am not a expert but.....

Megan • 👶 💙. 5 IUI’s❌. IVF Mom💉🤰🎄2024

While my husband and I have been ttc baby # 1 for 15months I feel like I have learned a lot. I've learned that being pissed people around me are pregnant and I am not and my bitter feelings wont make us anymore fertile. Ive learned I've always got it better or worse then someone else. Having 1 true friend to lean on during these times has helped me tremendously. I've learned to have faith and relax during this trying time of ups and downs. I've learned not to stress between IUIs what will be will be and can't even imagine trying to test out my trigger shots. It just looks stressful. I just try to put my tww aside and live my life. I feel like its been a short journey so far but I've learned to relax and let nature and science take its course.