I got a $350 value for only $35!!! 😍😍

Now I’m not one to buy expensive, name brand things throughout pregnancy because I try to save money. But I’ve been DYING to have a mamaroo 4moms rocker but knew I could never afford one. Well a few days ago me and my SO went to look for him an Xbox game (he rarely plays xbox anymore). So we was told to go to this place near us. We went and when we walked in, it was an old antique mall ran by 50 or so year olds. We looked EVERYWHERE for Xbox games and there were none. We got to the last section and thats where I found my mamaroo !! I was like OMGGGGG I got to get it !! But then thought “heck if they are naturally $350 then I doubt they are selling this one for cheap” 😩 I looked down and sure enough I seen $35!!! I grabbed that baby and took off with it to the check out 😩😩 the second cashier was like just come to me I’ll check you out. She seen it and was like omg I’ve been wanting to get my daughter one of these for her new baby. I was like yes it’s been on my wishlist for a while now. She seen the price and she yelled “WHO BROUGHT THIS IN?!” The other cashier said the username of the person. Turns out, the antique mall was a place where TONS of people brought in their things and sold them there but the store was ran by the 50 year olds. The cashier was trying so hard to make me not want it but I couldn’t turn it down 😩😩