Husband posting photos online

Hi just wanted to here peoples views on this , I have just found out my husband has been posting naked photos of himself online ( he does not no that I know , I was being nosey on his phone) but it’s strange I do not feel any sort of way, I’m not mad or heartbroken or anything to be honest I’m a little dumbfounded as I’m not sure where I should stand on this , I know I should be mad but I’m just not - tbh we haven’t had the best relationship sexually or emotionally for a while now we have an 11 month old and I have just been focusing on her (and so I should ) we have had arguments about how he does not feel like I give him the attention I should and that is obviously why he is doing this and I think that is maybe why I am not mad - not that I am blaming myself but I am partly to blame , I just don’t no where to go with this , do I tell him I know ? - leaving him isn’t really an option he has a very well paid job and we have a good life together ( that isn’t me saying I’m staying with him for his money but he does provide a good life for me and our daughter) I do love him still but we definitely do not have that spark and passion we once did I think he is trying to chase this again by posting the photos online , has anyone else been in this situation, does anyone have any advice ?

EDIT - the part about he feels like I do not give him attention , this mainly revolves around sex and intimacy he will say that I do not make an effort to “make the first move” on him or I do not get up and give him a kiss as soon as he walks in the door from work - I’m still breastfeeding our daughter who still wakes 2 times a night I am a full time mum and have a part time job the last thing on my mind after a long day is sex ( we do have sex atleast 2 times a week, he has a very high sex drive and could have sex 2 times a day! Me however I do not and 2 times a week is more than enough for me ) as for the not getting up to give him a kiss after work I get up to go and go plate up his dinner for him that I make every single night , I sometimes feel like he expects too much of me