September 1st Baby Became August 19th Baby

Tiffany • Married•Mother of a 11 year old daughter•Mother of 👼🏽 baby 9/1/18•Mother of a rainbow baby on the way 9/1/19 her birthday is 8/19/19 I have a toddler today💖🌸

I am so sorry that this post is going to be very long.

I went in August 18th to be induced at 8:00am. We had been there for an hour before they put me in a room. They checked me around 9:00am or 11:00am and I was already at 3. So the pain I was having around 4:00am was me having contractions I didn’t know. Me and my husband also went to Starbucks on the way to the hospital. Any way After I got in the room it took them until 2:00pm or 3:00pm to get started on me. Everything still was going good and the contractions was not that bad. My contractions didn’t start to pick up until 4:00am on the 19th. They gave me some other drugs to help until they came to give me my other by time they came I was out of it and they could not give it to me. My husband help me to the bathroom and when we look it was a lot of blood. So that’s when the nurse knew everything was about to start but she was thinking she would be gone by then. My husband told her no my baby will be here before you go home. The contractions got very bad to where she had to check me and when she did check me she told me don’t push anymore. I hear her at the door telling the other nurses and the doctor she need help and I hear them tell her it’s not time. I was at a 7 when she checked me after she went to the door and came back I was at a 10. I was letting my body do what it wanted to do. I push 5 to 6 more times then my baby was here and they put her on my chest. I had to have 4 Stitches and I did feel it to. I was feeling everything.

Name: Mia Jade Caldwell

Weight: 5lb 0oz

Inches: 17 1/2 long

Birth Time: 6:12am

Birthday: August 19, 2019

Today my baby is two weeks

Thank you for reading if you made it to the end.