I miss my baby

A little background... I am a first time mommy, 4 months postpartum, with postpartum depression. I am 21 and work full time in a primary care doctor office.

I miss my baby. Going back to work has been the absolute worst thing I have gone through in my life. 2 days ago, I picked up my baby after work and swung by the fast food joint to pick up a quick dinner because I was drained from the day. My little girl asleep in her car seat. I just cried there in the drive through because my little girls whole day had gone and went and I wasn’t apart of it. Someone else gets to play with her all day and cuddle her when she gets sleepy. Someone else gets to see all of the new milestones she is reaching throughout the day. I hate when people come over and want to see her because I don’t feel like I even get enough time with her. My heart is just so broken right now and I just want to be there for my little girl.

How am I supposed to feel like a mother when I don’t get to experience my baby?

Anyone feel the same or have any advice?