

I am currently pregnant and due february 8, 2020. Please no judgement, but during a breakup in april, I had unprotected sex with someone (april 10th to be exact, literally the day after my period ended). I had another period may 5th, which was my last one. They are going by that for my due date, and during the 7 week ultrasound determined that I was measuring a few days further along than my last missed period. Is there ANY way this baby could be the other man's? Is it possible to really measure a month off?

Sex with other man-April 10

Last missed period-may 5

Due date-February 8

*doctor said I probably conceived around may 17-18, and that would make sense as my current boyfriend and I went away together.

**I am asking because I'm in the middle of a ridiculous fight with the "other man" over this, and hes making threats that I've had to turn into the police.

**** edit- thank you for putting my mind at ease! I think with this guy being relentless it made me second guess myself. He has reached out to my boyfriend and told him that he knows the baby is his, and that my boyfriend doesnt deserve "his" happiness, whatever that means. I feel he is just trying to have some sort of connection to me for as long as he can. He has stated he is taking me to court for DNA testing. Not sure what to do there, but trying to keep from being too stressed for the babys sake.

**edit again (9/4)- so taking the last missed period out of the equation... there is still no way that ultrasound dating could be that far off, correct? His argument continues to be the period thing and how hes heard of women having them while pregnant.